Treasure the Beauty

A children's book by Karen Eure Wilson




As the mystery of "the mean and scary" unfolds, Kay-Kay, Jett, Lula and Buster learn to conquer their fears and "turn-up" their frowns. As

they prepare to face the unknown, they learn that things may not always be as they seem.


Treasure the Beauty is an uplifting tale of courage and kindness and serves as a powerful lesson in the joy of friendship and in the value

of getting to know and respect people for who they are.





Format: Hardcover

Price: $ 17.00 (+ $3 shipping)

Length: 30 Pages

Published: His Kid Press

Inventory Status: Ships in 1-5 Days


Ms. Wilson is also a dynamic inspirational speaker who speaks about the privilege and power of pursuing an active and intimate relationship with Christ. Many have been blessed through her teachings.


To schedule Ms. Wilson for a book signing or speaking engagement, please complete and submit the contact form.




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